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BMW 가 디자인한 유니크 자전거들..

BMW 에서 디자인한 자전거들 이랍니다.

실용성 여부는 모르겠지만 디자인들이 정말 독특합니다.아래는 이 팜플렛을 BMW 회사로부터 이메일로 받았다는 외국의 블로거가 쓴 내용입니다.실제 판매하는지 아닌지는 확인 못했습니다.

BMW is a well known brand name for those luxury vehicles, and yesterday I had received an email about the bicycles that manufactured from BMW. These BMW brand of bicycles were uniquely designed with sturdy aluminum frame, front hand-brake, built-in zippered storage compartment, reflectors and a bell. These bicycles are cool and their special design and patterns were increased the balancing, comfortable seat and best for leisure ride.